Elon Musk tells advertisers: ‘Go fuck yourself’ - The Verge

BobTheBoozer@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 507 points –
Elon Musk tells advertisers: ‘Go fuck yourself’

he said. “We’ll be gone, and it’ll be gone because of an advertiser boycott.”... eeer, no.


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Do you have evidence of him committing insider trading?

Well he's spent the last decade committing market manipulation, not that far of a jump.

So "no, there is none." Would have sufficed.

Always a great sign if posts asking for evidence are getting downvoted.

Because its kind of pointless to the point t of sealioning.

Like take for example when the leader of Wagner group died in a plane crash and it was pretty obvious putin had him killed. Would asking a random lemmy user to provide proof of that claim add anything to thr discussion?

In this case and the Wagner example, if the point isn't obvious it's reasonable to ask for some kind of proof to get a better understanding of the point. But I do agree that there's no reason to ask for proof in this case, because the conspiracy theory is already so nonsensical that any proof would just compound the nonsense.

People simply need to stop putting him on a pedestal and accept that he isn't some genius businessman whose inner machinations are an enigma. He made a stupid deal and bought a company he doesn't know how to run so he's running it into the ground, that's it. No grand conspiracy required. You need a grand conspiracy only if you can't accept that Musk is just an ordinary man whose biggest contribution to his success is having wealthy parents.

The question doesn't make sense in context because that's not what my comment was implying. It's down-voted for being silly, not pedantic.

You clearly imply insider trading going on. The fact that it might not be (I'm not sure if the law) musk being guilty of insider trading, but just commiting fraud so others could do so, is being pedantic and silly.

TSLA is his Twitter collateral. Really surprised nobody else sees what I see lol..

Yeah I find I hard to believe that this man that has constantly done illegal shit to maniuplate the stock market would go as far as to illegally manipulate the stock market.

He only bought Twitter because he was forced to or admit he was trying to manipulate the stock again.

He bought a much higher stake, used Twitter to telegraph a higher price than it was worth. Then he didn't use his own money when he was finally forced to purchase Twitter at the higher price he tweeted. The money he used to purchase Twitter came from countries who have stated they didn't want Twitter to be around because it hurt their public perception when they were caught doing shady things.

His Twitter gift started the same way the SEC sued him for market manipulation for his Tesla manipulation years before. Publishing his $420 price point then selling stock when the price goes beyond his tweeted price point.

He was never savy enough to use shorting like the Hedge funds do, but his reach among the idiot masses to cause jumps in price to artificially male a bigger profit.