Paramount+ unskipabble ads to Mildly – 276 points –

Just rage canceled Paramount+ after seeing the 1 minute of unstoppable ads before each episode.

Then they'll say people don't want to pay for content...ffs


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I know what you mean.

Browsing the Internet at work is a horrible experience. I'm actually shocked at the ad intrusion that I am usually saved from!

What's hilarious to me is when friends visit and then always comment on how much nicer it is using their phones on my wifi.

I rarely ever need a browser for work but damn I opened it the other day to search some stuff and nearly every single article was so covered in ads I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be reading. 2 sides bars, an floating over head, an ad across the bottom, and some weird floating one that follows as you scroll. How are people not using ad blocks

Do you mean with your phone on company wifi?

Company laptop which is pretty much hardened so no chance of installing anything that is unapproved. No idea how people survive without an adblock.