Saturday APPreciation thread (Jul 1 2023) - Your weekly app recommendation/request thread! to – 178 points –

Saw some users commenting that we should have these megathreads in here as well.

Recommend and/or request an android app in the comments!


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I would love to know what apps you have added to it!

Heres the list

And I just added AntennaPod, Vinyl Music Player, Lawnchair, and Liftoff to the list as well!

Bitwardens auto sync uses push notifications through Google services, so I'd recommend play store for that one if you use multiple devices.

I don't use bitwarden for much besides copying/pasting my passwords on my phone. I figure its better than memorizing a single password like I used to!

How did you manage to add breezy-weather? It complains that it can't find a suitable release for me if I try to add the repo url directly

The easiest way is to look at your Installed apps through F-Droid as it will show both apps installed through F-Droid and apps from the Play Store that are available through F-Droid. You can copy-paste each source link into Obtainium.

No I know, I was asking what apps they're updating through Obtanium.

I use Obtanium to keep Liftoff and Thunder up to date, since the updates come faster than they do from the Play Store :) Very easy to set up...even if you originally installed from the Play Store, you can still use Obtanium to update going forward.