Glitch in the matrix

Toes♀ to – 417 points –

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The problem isn't math, it's the people that suck at at it who write ambigous terms like this, and all the people in the comments who weren't educated properly on what conventions are.

Yeah, you could easily make this more straightforward by putting parentheses around 8Γ·2. It's like saying literature sucks because Finnegans Wake is incomprehensible.

Huge shout out to the jaded AF high school math teachers that don't give a fuck any more!

They do care. The issue is everyone argues about it without even asking Maths teachers about it to being with! I guarantee (I've seen it myself) literally every blog you read which says this is "ambiguous", without exception they never mention Maths textbooks or Maths teachers (because then they wouldn't be able to bombastically declare "This is ambiguous!").