Inspiration for Everyone: JFK's "Peace Speech" to politics – 29 points –
President John F. Kennedy's "Peace Speech"

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None of which say the missles were actually there... but I'm glad you were forced into research

The repository reads stating that the deployment of Jupiter missiles to Turkey was in fact implemented in late ‘61, did you provide sources stating otherwise that I missed?

What part of

In 1961, the US government put Jupiter nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey

is unclear to you?

Lol. So you seem to think you can just park a missle in front of the grocery store. It's a little more complicated than that.

I do? Weird, I just thought that the missiles you said weren't deployed were deployed due to multiple sources either directly saying or clearly implying as much.

Do you think it's possible that you're not quite as psychic as you are pretending to be?

I think it's possible I know what it takes to build a silo and command center. You're starting to get very boring again.

You don't need a silo or a command center for Jupiter missiles.

I'm surprised you weren't aware of that, what with being an expert on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

But it's true, they weren't deployed overnight. Deployment began in 1958 under Eisenhower and continued under Kennedy until completion in 1961.

Again, as an expert on the Cuban Missile Crisis, I would think this would be something you would already know, especially since I know this stuff and I don't know anything about the Cuban Missile Crisis according to you.

Again? There is need for a hardened silo. There is no way around that. Now you are getting very boring.

I literally showed you a deployed Jupiter missile without a silo. I'm not sure why you're trying to gaslight me.