Kim Jong Un calls for North Korean women to have more children to World – 152 points –
The North Korean leader calls for women to have more children to halt a fall in the birthrate

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Envy from the Europe with its population going extint and aging. Is there any single country in Europe where it's not the case?

If people don't think there is much of a future in this world then they're not going to have kids are they? And given that the majority of the problems in the world are caused by overpopulation of reduced population seems like a good thing.

The majority of humanities problems are caused by shit government policy and billionaires' addiction to pollution and making line go up.

Overpopulation is a part of the issue, but pales in comparison to the rich, corps and corrupt politicians.

E: you're bang on about the existential dread being part of it, if folks are poor or have little going for them, the likelihood of having kids drops significantly.