Tokyo taxi driver arrested for allegedly running into and killing pigeon to Not The – 142 points –
Tokyo taxi driver arrested for allegedly running into and killing pigeon | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

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I'm all for defensive driving, but if an animal (or someone) jumps at the front of your car at the last moment, how can you avoid it?

Clearly by swerving into a light pole like any rational driver.

look/scan ahead as you always should be. don't text and drive. don't eat and drive. don't shave and drive. look at sidewalks, driveways, and through windshields to see if you can spot a small person behind a car, or even for feet or a cat underneath the car. if you can't see clearly enough to stop in time; go slower. Plenty of ways to know what's coming and avoid hitting it. Nothing will just pop up in front of you if you scan ahead because you should already know what could possibly jump in front of you. This is the best we can do in this case of putting the liabilities of driving on the driver. You have the big heavy vehicle that can kill things- drive like it.

Shit happens. It sucks when it does, but sometimes you just can't avoid it. Something coming out of a bush you can't see behind, or a driver swerving unexpectedly. You can do everything you can to try and prevent it, but that doesn't mean it's guaranteed. If you worry too much about it your attention will be too focused on it and you're more likely to miss something else.

Yeah let me whip out my thermal scanner and lidar so I can protect myself from these suicidal insurance scam animals

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