Las Vegas campus shooting leaves three dead, one in critical condition

m-p{3} to – 237 points –
Las Vegas campus shooting leaves three dead, one in critical condition

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Some people live way out in the woods and need to defend themselves from bears, moose and to hunt for food. Bolt action, shotguns and revolvers should be acceptable. This blanket ban all guns rhetoric from people is incredibly nieve and comes from sheltered city people. Guns are a tool and they have their place. Ones designed for killing people do not belong.

What other option do we have? Every piece of reasonable legislation gets hamstringed by the gun lobbyists. There's no recourse besides flushing the whole industry down the shitter.

I grew up in the mountains of Colorado actually, want to guess how many bears I've had to shoot? Get some bear spray, a bow and arrow, a pellet gun, a paintball gun that shoots pepper balls, firecrackers, a starter pistol, a big fuckin pointy stick, loud speakers, a fire extinguisher, fucking anything besides a goddamn school destroying ar-15. I'm tired of kids dieing from this bullshit. Fuck guns.

Totally agree on ar15s, you don't need anything with that capacity for any reason really. I can see an argument for some conservation/wildlife management (ie: boar over population) but really that should fall to government to handle who has access to those kinds of firearms already.

No half measures, a blanket ban is just about the only way to solve anything.

Just start with handguns first and move our way up.


You have adopted the word communist into your username, yet you are against arming the working class? Are you calling yourself a clown? I'm confused.

All guns are designed to kill people you clown.

As a communist I know we need to disarm the settler class. As long as settlers can own guns they can be deputized. See: Israel

under no pretext...

Mao tells us in On Contradiction that we need to identify the superior contradiction to organize against it. Under settler-colonialism the settler class is bourgeoisified by superexploitation of the colonized. You aren't going to defeat the settler-occupation by arming the occupiers.

So it is in Israel, so it is in the US. They're close allies because they're part of the same project.

you can't think that laws passed by the settlers will be enforced in a way that would undermine their dominance: they would outlaw guns and in practice only prosecute the occupied populace.

Conversely, colonized people are not protected by the freedoms bestowed onto settlers. Legally armed Black men still get murdered by cops.

The reason we don't have gun control is precisely because settlers won't pass gun control laws. That's why we'll have to disarm them- later 🤫

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