What are your "poor person" money life hacks?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 305 points –

Let's get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.


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Pay cash for groceries. At the start of each pay period, withdraw your grocery budget in cash for that period.

Make sure that you get bills that exactly covers a day each.

Every morning pull out a bill from your drawer, whatever you have in your wallet is what you have for groceries.

You must not live in the typical American city, where it's completely impractical to go grocery shopping that often.

Nope, as per my username I live in a place where infrastructure was developed before the car.

Update: you don't need to purchase groceries daily. That would be more expensive, you put the money aside for later. The trick is that you don't spend money that should cover expenses next week, that way you can more closely monitor your spending.

Yeah, I figured.

I didn't mean it as a critique of what you were saying, and certainly not as an insult to you, but rather as a disappointed critique of American city layouts.