Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job

TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 1004 points –
Woman who threw bowl of food at Chipotle worker sentenced to work 2 months in fast food job | CNN Business

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Never worked in those type of environment huh? Those kinds of work wear you down little every shift, and shit like this mess with you.

Retail for 5, construction for 5. Truly, life is bigger than this. Fire service after that.

Again if you need another person to talk you through the situation of someone throwing food at you, to convince you you did nothing wrong, that the thrower is wrong, that their action is the wrong one, then you are weak.

I'm not saying you don't deserve compensation or that you should just "take it".

In my experience, the weakest people are the ones who don't fix their issues, especially internal ones.

Agree, Mauro didn't fix shit, and tried to blame downstream applications. Punk move.

He should have asked for coaching

"Hey I es self reviewed my code, checked the docs, but I'm getting some unexpected errors when testing some downstream applications. Can you help me step through my code to check for silly mistakes or somewhere I went off track? I reviewed the core project rules so I'm confident the trouble likely exists within my changes"

Bet that would get a very very different response.