US Senate Republicans block assault-style weapons ban as mass shootings rise to politics – 524 points –
US Senate Republicans block assault-style weapons ban as mass shootings rise

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I assume you've pivoted now to universal healthcare...but I'm not sure. No one said it's impossible, for that matter, no one said gun control is impossible. Just that it won't pass a Republican controlled legislative body, and I assume it would be struck down by the Supreme Court...same as gun control. Change both of those (Congress & Court) and you've got a chance.

The point is that opposition to both is not some permanent feature of the US government. Nor will the SCOTUS always be far right.

You could save so much time if you just turned your account into a bot that replied as follows:

Eventually! Eventually! Eventually!

There comes a point when you become just a white nationalism apologist. As such, you can go fuck yourself.

There comes a point when you become just a white nationalism apologist.

What are you talking about? The fact that I've repeatedly asked you when and how we can effect change under your model, and you've ignored the questions and repeatedly stated that it will eventually happen (as if by magic), that makes me a white nationalist apologist??? Congratulations, I didn't think you could make a more idiotic reply, but you did it! Good for you!

As such, you can go fuck yourself.

Further proof your vapid comments are as empty as your mind.

Again, you are a white nationalism apologist. The problem here is you.

Again, your explanations are as vacant as the space between your ears. You've clearly used multiple words you couldn't even define.