Report Reddit To FTC for Posting Fake Revies to – 525 points –
Report Fraud

Reddit has started posting purchased 5 star reviews on Apple Store, wouldn’t be surprised if they were doing on Android as well. This is illegal and you can voice your dissatisfaction with the FTC at the provided link.


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I like jumping on the bandwagon as much as the next guy, but do you have any evidence of these accusations?

Only the evidence I put in my comments, all of the recent 5 star reviews have no constructive information in them other than a few random words.

They look really suspicious and the FTC would be able to verify their authenticity.

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If you go on the play store and look at the 5 star reviews vs. 1 star reviews, is does look a little suspect.

All the 1 star reviews are almost at the character limit, describing in detail why they gave it 1 star.

At least half the 5 star reviews are one sentence reviews like "interesting content", "Works great! Thanks!!", "Its good", "I love it!", and "veri gud ep" (sic).

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