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Joined 1 years ago

This page mentions a more realistic range of -40°C to 100°C. Maybe an intern read the ° as 0 and nobody doublechecked the packaging design.

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I like jumping on the bandwagon as much as the next guy, but do you have any evidence of these accusations?

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Holy hell

I like how they state the following:

As of July 1, 2023, we are increasing the API limits for our free API usage from 60 to 100 Queries Per Minute for those using OAuth authentication.

They're making it sound like they're increasing the rate limit, whereas they're actually changing it from 60 queries per user per application per minute to 100 queries per application per minute. So if you had a 3rd party app with 1000 users, you'd have 60 queries each minute for every single user, now all those 1000 users will have to share 100 queries each minute (so that'd be 1 query per user every 10 minutes), unless the app developer is willing to pay up.

They're definitely automated. I doubt it'll do much in terms of protesting.

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Mattermost, it might not be the best feature-wise, but it's open source, and a university can host it's own server with SSO


I'm pretty sure it aligns with their admin's views, just look at their admin's post history:

You might disagree with me, but I prefer eating my ramen before blue fluff starts growing on it.

Honestly, it's quite likely they really never lost a real life lightcycle race

Don't be sorry! That MacRumors article is based on this admin comment on reddit, it's reddit contradicting itself.

But in the app they can fingerprint you better, allowing them to better identify the criminal scum using third party apps.

[removed by Leddit]

A rooted phone is definitely a bigger security risk if you don't know what you're doing, as anything with root access is unbounded by the usual android permission system, and can completely demolish your OS. Additionally it can serve as a big warning if someone else has tampered with your device.

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They claim to reach being fully backed within 23 minutes. Yeah, no shit if you set the goal as low as £10000.

They also artificially keep the super early bird remaining stock low to pressure backers into a snap decision. When I checked there were 7 out of 2310 left. That number will probably increase once it actually runs out.

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You made a small typo

hoc est sanguis et corpus meum

This is my blood and body

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Maybe they tried to have each piece contain 5 slices, but gave up halfway through

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I agree, instead let's go with NFT profile pictures

On the other hand, statistically, the chance of anyone dying is much much lower

It honestly reminds me of the time 4chan stole Shia Labeouf's flag, locating it from a livestream with only the flag and the sky visible.

Cybersecurity: DO NOT. Post your password on your Snapchat story!

That's how this reads to me. No security, just leak away

Considering it's caused by a bad harvest, I wonder what the quality of the available tomatoes is.

A slice of tomato on a burger needs to look good. That doesn't matter as much if it gets cooked into a curry or something.

That's not true, it means that the instance hosting the community hasn't confirmed the subscription request. This confirmation seems to get lost sometimes if the instance is under heavy load.

Of course it'll also mean that subscription requests to defederated instances will stay in a pending state. As the other instance will just ignore the request.

Hrmm, I wonder who would benefit from perpetrating such a myth

This adds up to a huge fragmentation across what was previously a single community.

Unfortunately you're right, fragmentation is inevitable when a community loses it's home. It's only been a few days since the blackout protest started, give it some time for the dust to settle. I expect only one or two of the new communities to really stay active for a prolonged time.

This does make me wonder, what is this graph actually about?

Guess the everyone around me and I have been using Celsius wrong then...

It definitely uses degrees.

Holy shit, you weren't kidding. For anyone else curious, here's someone getting warned for rating someone as a 7

I recently had GCC give me the error "returning to the gate for a mechanical issue", fun stuff as well

If you're running the scam yourself, why would you even use an AI to mimic yourself?

How are you drawing that conclusion? According to the page listing federated instances they are federated. If you can't find the post on your local instance, then you can just take the link to the post and put it in the search function on your instance.

Edit: Here's the post on your instance:

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Reports get sent to both the community mods, and your local admins. If that's not effective, then you could always just send a private message to the admins of the instance hosting the community.

They sold a physical switch hacking device

To be fair, the stock image has the telltale signs of being AI generated. Details are warped in a fashion that a photo or human drawing wouldn't have.

Either way, I don't get the controversy. Some person broke the Shutterstock anti-AI ToU, and someone at Disney bought the image for their design, possibly not knowing it was AI generated.

When initially fetching a post, existing comments won't come along with it. New comments and new posts will only appear when at least one local user is subscribed to the corresponding community.

Learning Latin in highschool definitely wasn't useless after all! I can use it to correct internet strangers!

Do you know what community you're in right now? I'll give you one hint: it's not the accurate historical facts community

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How are you so certain that they're not on your instance? I see that your sign up form is open. There've been other reports that spambots have discovered Lemmy and are signing up on instances en masse.

On most, if not all, modern Android phones you can just unlock the bootloader from the dev menu. No rooting required.

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Enforcing clearly defined rules, to ensure the discussion remains on topic and civilized, what's wrong with that?