Video shows stripped Palestinian men detained in Gaza

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Video shows stripped Palestinian men detained in Gaza

With fighting raging around Khan Younis and in the north of Gaza, a video has emerged on social media showing dozens of Palestinian men detained by Israel.


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War? Don't wars usually have sovereign nations on each side, fielding actual militaries and such. Looks more like an ethnic cleansing operation to me. By one sovereign nation on an ethnically defined and enforced internal enclave that isn't even recognized to be a real place by half the world

The military on one side are a group of cowards hiding behind civilians and under their infrastructure. There are two sides here. The government of Gaza aka terrorist group Hamas vs Israel.

Israel has yet to even prove the tunnels are in use. All it is right now is a ready built excuse to carpet bomb any urban area in the world. Because they are all riddled with tunnels.

FFS is that where the latest goalposts have been moved to now? Go check out the Hamas propaganda. They've shown enough videos of them using the tunnels.

Sure thing, but there is no command center under the hospital. Israel likes to pretend we all forgot their bullshit.

What you forget is your previous statements. They're always conveniently replaced by demands for more proof from Israel, right after the previous one was met.

Isrsel is the one who provided fake evidence several times, notably last time with the staged video of that mam surrendering in his underwear,

Israel has lots of explaining to do. If you can't see that, I can't help you.

It's okay. I don't need any help from the likes of you and your misinformation.

Genocide-deny, away, stranger! 😊

Israel never proved shit. No command center under the hospital. No Hamas fighters surrendering. All their audio clips from phone calls were doctored or thrown together or extremely vague. They pretended to deliver fuel to one hospital and took the phone call with the head of the hospital out of context to make it sound like they refused it. Like a cartoon they marked supplies with "BABY FOOD" on A4 papers. Right now they are surrounding anotjer hospital, killing anyone who leaves.

Israel has a strong prpagnda machine, and if you can't see it, it's because you are a victim of it. It's because it's riding your ass and you haven't been able to look right, left, and behind to understand.

Go ahead, keep covering your eyes. Be an oblivious shill with projection issues like you are.

Are you denying that the IDF has lied to the public continuesly?

Yes. You choose to twist the truth to fit your own narrative. It's very apparent by the lies you try peddling.

Show me one thing I mentioned that isn't a fact.

Reread the message you replied to. I don't feel like repeating myself.

Oh I see, everything I said is a fact and you want to deny it purposefully. Cool. Have a nice day.

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If the existence of Hamas among Gazans makes them all terrorists then I guess the IDF makes Israel a terrorist state.

Anything other than that is a double standard.

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