Calls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire to World – 774 points –
Calls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire

Calls are growing for the UN Security Council to be reformed after the US became the only member to use its veto power to block a Gaza ceasefire resolution, a move welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The UN chief says he will keep pushing for peace.


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Fucking liar.

Article two. Read it, and go silent until you grow a brain, a conscience, or both.

Russia explicitly, openly, and repeatedly states that they desire elimination of Ukrainian nation. Their official stance, repeated by their president and all the state media is that Ukraine and Ukrainians either don’t exist or are a “historical mistake”. Whether they target the entire nation or just the parts they can reach is of no import for the definition of genocide.

In fact, Russia ticks off all five definitions in article two and least points a), c), and d) of article three in Ukraine alone.

I think it's a valid point that Russia's actions aren't driven by racism anywhere as much as Israel's actions, which in turns gets reflected in the proportion of the civilian population killed by both: Israel already killed way more Palestinian civilians in 2 months as a proportion of the 5 million population, than Russia killed Ukranians civilians in 2 years as a proportion of a population of 40 million.

This doesn't excuse Russian actions or make them any less evil, it just shows how Israel is managing to act significantly more evil even than the people who perpetrated the Buch and Mariupoli massacres.

Fascists when they have the freedom to do what they want are always evil and it shouldn't be that contentious that the more racist they are, the more evil they act.

It's weird that some here insist on taking the point being made as being "Russia is not evil" rather than being that "Israel manages to be even more evil than Russia".

Racism has nothing to do with casualty numbers discrepancy. Gaza Strip is a densely populated area.

Genocide is not a competition, it’s a crime against humanity. I don’t care whether Israel or Russia does it better, I care that both state actors are reveling in it.

They are knowingly chosing to do a blockade of Food, Water and Medicine which they know has little effect on Hamas (who have stores of those things) and massive effect on civilians.

Also it has been leaked that now, when their casualty estimation systems give a high probability that 5 or more innocent victims will be killed as collateral when attacking a target, they go ahead and attack it anyway, when before they didn't.

They are choosing to kill Palestinian civilians, the very people who members of the Israeli Cabinet describe as "human animals".

Would you have said "Genocide is not a competition" to dismiss the similar hate-driven indiscriminate killing of civilians because of the etnic group they came from practiced by the early Nazi Germany, or would you recognize that is the type mindless hate is what ends up with things like the Holocaust and that such race-Fascism is an altogether separate category from the opportunistic kind of Fascism practiced in places like Spain and Italy?

They do tick off the fifth box of kidnapping children, but the rest not at all.

Elimination of a nation does not mean the elimination of its inhabitants.

You had two options: read one damn sentence or insist on being a tool.

Of course you chose the latter.

Please do quote that sentence you're talking about since you are so much more gifted in the ways of literacy than me

Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

The first bloody page. The article you were asked to read.

But what could I expect from someone who thinks genocide is a competition that one could lose if someone else did it better…

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