19 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Zionists and Nazis have disturbing amount of similarities. The whole world knows it.

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This right here is the modern slavery and politicians are condoning this predatory behaviour.

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A sad and horrifying reality. The biggest success of Zionism is that it has hidden itself behind antisemitism.

You have triggered me by mentioning uTorrent.

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What an epic game. Larian, please never change!

2 Christian women inside a church... Maybe there is a Hamas Tunnel™ inside the church/s

IDF is a terrorist organisation backed by American weapon manufacturers and disgusting politicians

I used to think the same way. But with UN, at least someone "official" has a responsibility to "raise the voice". It is better than nothing, I guess.

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Kudos to Dhaka taxi drivers. All these exploiting corporations, especially Uber, can go to hell!

Oh, the irony. Even the democratic South Korea will act fascist and won't allow freedom of speech.

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A real time genocide is going on!

A textbook genocide with daily war crimes.

Likud are a terrorist group. Einstein and a bunch of Rabbis denounced them decades ago:

About time! Western democracies do not stand with genocide!

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10/10 game. Xbox players can enjoy and well polished goty from the day 1.

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F*ck the people who empower gig economy. Fuck Uber eats, door dash and everything similar.

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This is the best use of this emoji, ever.

You a real one bruh!

That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

George Carlin

I have this marvelous quote saved in my phone:

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”

  • Marcus Aurelius

About time Western democracies call out Israel's genocide against defenceless Palestinians.

Some Nazi-esque sh*it right there.

Israel is a terrorist state. There is no place for Zionism in this world. It will be end of everything as we know it.

Not surprising at all. When you see people around you dying, you either flee or fight... rest is all BS orchestrated by Zionist run media. The core is simple enough.

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These billionaires think they and theirs are above everything. They can kill millions without a real danger to them and theirs. Lack of fear.

Simply ridiculous.

No death for an infinity is a torture in itself.

Coin is overpowered af. Just flip the coin and buy a lottery. At that precise moment, all other items are practically useless.

You can hire a cook, sleep, buy whatever you need, hire people to do your bidding. Who needs charisma when they have money?

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They call likes of you the "Zio-Nazis". Burn in hell.

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Pope Francis has triggered a backlash from Jewish groups who see his comments over the Israeli-Palestinian war as accusing both Hamas and Israel of "terrorism."

The pontiff met Jewish families with relatives held hostage by Hamas, and Palestinians with families still in the Gaza Strip. He told an audience in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican City that he recognized suffering on both sides, saying: "This is what wars do. But here we have gone beyond wars. This is not war. This is terrorism."

At a news conference on Wednesday, representatives of Palestinians who met with Francis quoted him as using the word "genocide" to describe the situation. But Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni denied this and said in a statement: "I am not aware that he used such a word."

On Monday 20 November, U.S. officials addressed claims of a genocide committed by Israel. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said: "Israel is not trying to wipe the Palestinian people off the map. Israel is not trying to wipe Gaza off the map. Israel is trying to defend itself against a genocidal terrorist threat."

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) asked the Vatican to "clarify" what Pope Francis said.

In a statement on X, the AJC wrote it was "grateful" to Francis for meeting with hostage families but added: "Later in the day, he described the Israel-Hamas war as 'beyond war,' as 'terrorism.' Hamas' butchering and kidnapping of civilians is terrorism. Israel's self-defense is not. Vatican, please clarify."

A statement from the Council of the Assembly of Italian Rabbis seemed to accuse Francis of "publicly accusing both sides of terrorism."

It said unnamed "Church leaders" did not condemn the Hamas attack and said they were "putting the aggressor and the attacked on the same plane in the name of a supposed impartiality."

U.S.-based Jewish human rights organization, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, wrote on its website: "It is important for one of the world's primary faith leaders, for whom people of all faiths look to spiritual and moral guidance, not to forget that all those who came to speak and seek solace from him, all their suffering, all their loss, are on the hands of the Hamas terrorists who, on October 7th, inflicted in the most brutal way, the worst mass murder of Jews since the defeat of Nazi Germany and World War II."

Only 15%? More like 99%! The most recent Gaza genocide was truly an eye opener for me.

I wonder if people who took the decision to put the touchscreens even drive.

So glad BG3 won deserving goty 2023.

Oh and "Don't touch me!" Iykyk 😈

Fucking usurer scum. The real cancer of our planet. How is this bs fair?

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Solid movie. Watched it a week ago. Had no idea who was behind it.

You antisemite Nazi!


So, it starts...

I have always considered Zionist Christians an oxymoron. Don't forget it were the original Usurers who plotted against Jesus

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This is heartbreaking. We live in a hypocrite world. No justice.

Everywhere around the world soap + shampoo should be free. And deodorant should be as cheap as possible. It should be a basic human right.

Never joined ✌️