Auschwitz Museum Decries Israeli Mayor's 'Sick' Call to 'Empty' Gaza to World – 740 points –
Auschwitz Museum Decries Israeli Mayor's 'Sick' Call to 'Empty' Gaza


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Zionists and Nazis have disturbing amount of similarities. The whole world knows it.

The predecessors of Netanyahu's modern coalition actively cooperated with Nazi Germany so... yeah.

Edit: Now that I looked it up the matter, while there's a lot of legitimate criticism the Havaara agreement is a lot more nuanced than I assumed.

Stfu disinformation. Read the wiki. These comments are so fucking dangerous in a world where people are denying the Holocaust ever happened and nobody knows the fucking difference between, Jews, Zionism, genocide, antisemitism, Hamas, Palestine, Israel.

"The agreement enabled Jews fleeing persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to British Mandatory Palestine."

After they lost, they let them have some of their shit back and access to lower cost goods. This is not Zionist-Nazi collusion you irresponsible fucking cunt.