Palestinian professor who reported on Gaza’s suffering dies before replying to final message to World – 526 points –
Palestinian professor who reported on Gaza’s suffering dies before replying to final message

Refaat Alareer, the teacher and writer who had shared the hardships of war with EL PAÍS, was killed along with six family members in an Israeli attack


They are sending Gaza back a hundred years,” and argued that the international community is “complicit” in the “extermination” being carried out by Israel

So very true. We’re reacting to the present destruction of Gaza and asking for a ceasefire.

What does the future look like in Gaza? Any financial commitments to rebuild? Even when the bombings finally stop, how does Gaza survive?

good question, and there are no solutions yet. one thing for sure is israel will not accept hamas existance anymore, nor should anyone with a working moral compass.

seen as how it's abundantly clear that the Israeli govt is also an incredibly terroristic institution, no one with a moral compass should accept their existence either, right?

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War is funny.
WWI started because everyone had to respect their treaties and join their allies into war.
Then WWII started because countries didn't join together from the start.

So, even if we learn from our past mistakes and avoid making them, with war, we can only do worse the next time.

humans developed civilization too quickly for darwinism to adjust

*Natural selection. Darwinism is something else entirely.

*Natural selection. Darwinism is something else entirely.

something else entirely how?

the up votes of that comment are a proof of the delusional circlejerking around fake news and half truths in here, thanks for helping me prove it

Alareer, a literature professor with the Islamic University of Gaza, warned us a month ago about how Israel is using “hunger as a weapon of war.” The Gaza Strip is facing major hunger issues as it enters the third month of the war instigated by the October 7 Hamas attack that killed 1,200 people in Israel. “The people of Gaza are dying of hunger,” said Alareer. “We have very little food or water due to Israel’s blockade. This is a systematic extermination – the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza. It’s a continuation of the Israeli ethnic cleansing that started over 75 years ago,” referring to the creation of the Israeli state in 1948.

A systematic extermination and an ethnic cleansing supported and facilitated by the USA.

Popular Front had a podcast interview with him a month ago, it's insane to hear all of the bombs going on around him even then.

I saw the article mentioned he had defended the Oct 7 attack so after some googling:

Soon after the 7 October Hamas attack – which killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, with about 240 kidnapped – Alareer caused outrage during a BBC interview by calling it “legitimate and moral” and “exactly like the Warsaw ghetto uprising”, the broadcaster said.

Yikes. Defending oct 7 was pretty fucked up move on his behalf but what Israel keeps doing is arguably worse. Both Hamas and Israel leadership need to be removed from this world....

What Israel is doing is worse, yet most world leaders are justifying Israel's actions. Nobody seems to be condemning these political slimeballs. It seems that Hamas, a violent liberation movement is being held to a higher standard than nation states.

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Words don't justify a death sentence. This is the same bullshit reasoning that gets trotted out by bootlickers every time a cop murders a black person in the US. There's a mad scramble to find the worst thing the victim ever did and claim that makes their murder ok.

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I'm sad 😭😭😭 (lol no)

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And the Dems are already saying they're gonna vote for Genocide Joe again....

Hold your nose, close your eyes, turn off your brain and vote everyone!

2 whole sentences to say absolutely nothing.... hope you have better days in the future

They tell you not to support apartheid and genocide. Very difficult thing to understand indeed.

Biden just vetoed the ceasefire.

Biden just vetoed the ceasefire.

Do you think Biden is in command of Israel's military?

Of course not. Israel is in charge of America's military.

Also if Biden voted yes then the genocide would have immediately ended.

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"At least he's not trump" is their only response and democrats worked hard to promote fascists like him to make sure that was the only response they'll ever need.

“At least he’s not trump” is their only response

When it's a binary choice like that, then there's only one option.

Almost like a two party political system is intrinsically limited to a “lesser of two evils” situation every single fucking time. Whacky.

Well, like it or not, that's the system we have right now, and so long as it is, by the time the main election comes around, the only options are a) violent overthrow, b) abstain from voting, or c) vote for the least bad option presented.

I don't think we're quite to the point yet where violent overthrow is necessary or justified.

Abstaining just means you accept whatever the outcome is, and thus have no leg to stand on when you don't like the outcome.

In my mind that leaves option c as the only valid option, with the added requirement of working in between elections towards pushing for changes in the voting system.

I don't pretend to be a fan of Biden. But despite his shortcomings, he's still a damn sight better than Trump or RFK Jr. And nobody else running has a snowball's chance in hell, and most of them are crackpots anyway. So until such a time as we have better options, I will continue to vote for the least bad option.

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