Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale

GutsBerserk@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 123 points –
Epic is giving away 17 games as part of its holiday sale

Epic Games plans to give away 17 free games during its annual holiday sale for the Epic Games Store, the company announced on Wednesday.


PSA to everyone that has never played Destiny 2.

tldr; Epic is giving away Destiny 2: Legacy Collection. You'll have to give Bungie whole bunch more money if you really want to play. Don't give Bungie your hard earned money because Destiny 2 is now pay to win and they'll always try to screw you. Don't get sucked into this game and give this horrible company your money.

According to the article, Epic is giving away Destiny 2: Legacy Collection which contains The Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep. If you've never played Destiny 2 and think this seems great because now you can start playing Destiny 2 for the first time. This isn't so. You'll still need to spend bunch of more money if you want access to seasonal content and they're really not an optional. Just when you thought you're done, you'll then have to buy the Dungeon content which isn't part of season pass. Oh by the way you can't just buy season pass with money. You have to purchase their premium currency and then buy season pass with that currency which means you'll always have a left over premium currency. This is definitely scammy and it's by design.

Destiny 2 is dystopian microtransaction hellscape. They've been adding layers of microtransactions for years and this is the result. If you want to see how bad it has gotten watch this video by Aztecross.


Warframe is a free alternative to destiny , its in steam and runs on linux. For those looking for that type of game. There is a warframe community on lemmy too.

I used to like warframe a lot, then they sold out to tencent.

Don’t give Bungie your hard earned money because Destiny 2 is now pay to win and they’ll always try to screw you. Don’t get sucked into this game and give this horrible company your money.

Bungie was given 1.2 BILLION to retain talent. They decided to fire 100 people going back to the Halo days.

That right there ended any money I'll ever give to Bungie.

i bought that game full price. 60 dollars

still better use of my money than black ops 4 was

I was thinking about playing destiny 2 for a while until I got this video recommended to me randomly. After watching it, all I can say is the developers have to pay me more than I earn on my job for me to even consider playing it.

I mean basically everything in the game is optional, you just miss out on some story tidbits here and there. I have never bought seasons, dungeons or anything like that and I still have 400+ hours in the game. If you want to 100% everything, yes, you need to buy a lot of stuff, but you can still have tons of fun with just the expansions.

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I won't support any store that sabotages Linux on purpose. Just earlier today I read a lame excuse for them to not support Linux with Fortnite despite only needing to click a single checkbox. Of course, it's easy not getting tempted since I don't have a windos system to begin with.

Bad take.

I'll remind you that Steam needs SOME competition in order to actually get better, and I can't think of anyone else able to do it (Microsoft has kinda already tried and failed). Remember when Steam suddenly addressed long-standing issues with the client and storefront a couple years ago? That was because the EGS appeared.

I'll also remind young folks that the Internet was extremely negative regarding steam when it was new. Yes, I've been on Steam for 20+ years.

Tldr: EGS is fine. Relax.

Edit: clarity

Also a bad take. Competition is good, and a proper competitor to steam would benefit us all, but users don't have to support them just on the basis of them being competitors.

I agree "EGS is bad because I want only steam" is silly, but if it's a worse experience for the individual user or if they perceive it's involved in non consumer friendly practices, it's perfectly normal they are not supported.

I fully support a good competitor to Steam like GOG. It may be less convenient than Steam but it has one key feature that no other shop has: no DRM.

This is the best way forward. If GOG had more games it would change the industry. More companies need to partner with them.

GOG still has that niche of the "old games." Can't think of anywhere else I could get DOS games from my childhood that also come with patches and updates to make them work on modern systems.

Games that are sold on GOG are usually also DRM free on steam. Sometimes the steamworks DRM is required, but that's so easy to trick that the games can still be considered DRM free.

The only thing GOG does is pre-filtering for DRM free only.

Do not rely on that.

Case in point: Arkham City.

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Except that Valve revamped Steam loads of times before anyone else was even competing with them. The biggest was when The Orange Box launched and they had added better Friends support as well as literally all the community features and achievement systems. EGS didn't launch until 2018. Origin didn't launch until 2011.

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You aren't supporting them by accepting free games and then not using them. It costs them money to give them to you.

We found out in the Apple lawsuit that the games are fixed price for Epic, so you can download or not as you wish - individually you do not make their cost go up.

Ahh!I didn't know that. Thanks for the correction.

Not entirely true. You're giving them users and downloads to pad their stats.

I've seen this posted before, but how does that make their stats look good? Oh you've got X million users! And how much money did you make? Oh. So how many of your users have ever paid you any money? Oh.

I assume their logic is to give you free games so you get into the habit of looking at their storefront and going to their launcher to play your games in the hope that you'll start buying your games from there instead. I can't see how claiming the freebies but never giving them money helps them.

Its not about the sales at that point (obviously), its about bolstering the user base. Everything boils down to advertising these days. The more people they have registered on their platform, the wider advertising audience.

Do Epic advertise anything other than their own games on their store?

Go tell any ad company that you have a website with X million weekly users, and they will suck your dick to place their ads there.

Do Epic advertise anything other than their own games on their store?

No no, you don't get it. Windows has problems, but switching to Linux would be like leaving your home country because you don't like its political trends. Where's your OS patriotism? There's no need for Linux, because you can just keep using Windows and hope Microsoft ends up doing what's best for their customers products :)

I'm paraphrasing here, but that's an actual thing the CEO and founder of Epic Games posted on Twitter: https://nitter.net/timsweeneyepic/status/964284402741149698

That's disguting on so many levels. Thanks for that bit of knowledge.

not support Linux with Fortnite despite only needing to click a single checkbox

I'd love to see that, because my understanding is that the anticheat software that fortnite and others use requires pretty deep access to your system that linux either can't or won't give them

Yes they use kernel level anticheat and they are correct it would be easier to cheat on Linux.

any idea where commentOP got their notion that supporting linux would involve "only needing to click a single checkbox"?

Other posts about this topic have similar claims. No idea who started the idea, but it gets mentioned a lot that ticking a box is all that's required

I'll never forgive them buying Rocket League and cutting Linux support. It used to have a native Linux version.

It's more than clicking a single box when they build. They will have to provide support for Linux systems, that's the real kicker. Also their anti cheat might not like Linux.

Not saying they shouldn't, it's ridiculous that they don't support Linux. But there are valid reasons.

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They can all be free, I'm still not touching your launcher.

Same. I'd rather pay for my games than be bribed to use their launcher.

I think there are alternative FOSS launchers that you can use if the issue is the launcher itself. On the deck I use Heroic, I think there are also for windows.

It's the general business scumminess towards consumers. I want Epic to fail for it.

In that case, consider they have to pay for every download of free games (at least server costs) ;)

In some ways, yes absolutely agreed. But on the other hand, love that they're going against Google Play Store atm, even won in court just now.

Evil fighting evil for more power. I'm not holding my breath for any meaningful positive changes.

Yep, only reason Epic sued Google is because they want more money. I think Tim Sweeney was even quoted that they'd make billions from it.

Playnite on Windows is the premiere experience for multilauncher support. Highly customizable, and it has a UX that's much better to lay-users than something like Gog Galaxy 2.0. Integrations are well QA'd and updated. It's wild that this was built as a FLOSS project because it's better than what billion dollar companies have done by a mile.

My only gripe with Playnite is how inconsistent feature support is in themes. You want to see your achievements? This theme has support, but it won't show data from How Long To Beat. This theme supports both, but cannot show console icons for emulated games... Hopefully this will change when version 11 is out next year, with more features from plugins being moved to core.

Other than that, it's great. I use it on a PC as a DIY console, Windows is set to start it automatically, and all my Steam games are here, alongside all my console games which I have downloaded as ROMs to centralize them all on a single device.

I find it's a good way to demo games. Get it free, if I like it enough after a few hours I'll go buy it on GoG or Steam and continue to play it on there.

There is no need to use their launcher, as there are open source alternatives. "legendary" is a tool that can download sand install games from epic, but it's command line only. Fortunately, there is also "heroic", which is a GUI for it and honestly a pretty good one. Can also handle GOG games.

They work well for me, haven't had epic's launcher installed in a very long time.

That's a neat fact I'm going to store away if I ever want to play a game from epic haha

Until Bungie gives me back the content I already paid for, that company can rot in hell. I feel for the devs who point stuff out to leadership and tell them exactly what they need to do to fix their reputation, but the leadership saying "player's still love us" means that piece of shit scumbag, Pete Parsons, can go get dry fucked by splintering balsa wood.

I won't play the Legacy Collection, not even when it's free. Fuck you, Bung-hole.

I stopped playing way back during Forsaken, and even then I was getting soured on the game.

Then I found out they effectively deleted the first couple year's worth of content and I got pissed off for the community.

Little off-topic, but bungie is struggling right now. They may get fully absorbed by Sony since they are not hitting their revenue targets.

Oh well, maybe they should have made better games instead of looter shooter grind fests that were an obvious trend and not actually a fun fucking game play loop.

Look Epic, those are very nice presents but as I told you many times already, I am happily married to Steam and I plan to keep it that way. Please respect my decision and stop sending me gifts, it´s getting awkward and honestly you´re making an ass of yourself.

How long can they keep giving away free games when their store has never made a profit?

…ever heard of a little thing called Fortnite? I hear it makes a tiny bit of cash money for them.

Ok well people spend money on Fortnite and we get free games, that's a good deal.

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As long as it takes for them to build a userbase. They can afford giving away games constantly until users start using the store for real.

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No thanks. We don't need a spyware on our systems.

Heroic games launcher :3

Can you claim these freebies in that?

You can claim the freebies on the website from any web browser.

Yeah used it before not the best to say the least m8. I tried to play celeste and couldn't even get past the intro although when heroic does work it works wonders

Tbh I love Steam, but I think it's nice with a little competition. Definitely checking this out

Then go promote GOG or itch.io. Don't support companies with monopolistic behavior

Last time I checked Epic doesn't have even a fraction of the share of the market to be considered a monopoly. That would be steam if anything.

I got excited but unfortunately the first game is Destiny and they don't even mention the rest of them. That's probably the one game I wouldn't even take free.

I have never played Destiny. Just out of curiosity, is it that bad ?

Edit : just read this comment and now I kinda get the idea.

Still not convincing me to open an account with epic games. Lol. Maybe I'm lazy ... Or don't have time !?

Nice! Alan Wake 2 + the Remaster for 30 bucks seems like a great deal!

Alan Wake 2 is a masterpiece! Fuck Epic though, I pirated it and will buy it on sale on Steam whenever that happens.

Under normal circumstances it'll never happen because it's not a regular 1 year exclusivity deal, it's Epic being the publisher.

It's more likely to have its console versions emulated before landing on Steam. And even if Epic puts the game on Steam, Epic will still get the money.

Lol I get downvoted because I use Epic...🤣

I really don't care what launcher I have to start (funny thing, for most epic games you don't even need the launcher) and don't know what the problem is with it and really don't care though. And regarding Alan Wake 2, don't forget that Epic funded the game and made it possible for Remedy do develop it...they are also quit happy with the partnership so I guess it's a win for Remedy.

I pirated it and will buy it on sale on Steam whenever that happens.

I really hope you do, pirating sucks!

Destiny is free on all platforms. So this isn't anything

It has three expansions bundled with it. I've never played, but it's my understanding that these three expansions represent the initial must-buy content.

Ah of course. However I read recently that someone had the base gane and extra products but Bungie decided it wasn't making enough money so removed the base game and has gone a different route. Removing the players items and game data.

So I'd highly recommend nobody touch destiny with a barge pole. Bad consumer practice. Would prefer if they disappear from the gaming industry

I vowed to never give them a dime after the $100 beta test that was Destiny 1 Year 1