Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid to World – 213 points –
Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid

Allies of Hungary’s far-right prime minister Viktor Orbán will hold a closed-door meeting with Republicans in Washington to push for an end to US military support for Ukraine, the Guardian has learned.

Members of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs and staff from the Hungarian embassy in Washington will on Monday begin a two-day event hosted by the conservative Heritage Foundation thinktank.

The first day includes panel speeches about the Ukraine war as well as topics such as Transatlantic Culture Wars. It is expected to feature guests including Magor Ernyei, the international director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, the institute that organized CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Hungary. Kelley Currie, a former ambassador under then president Donald Trump, said she was invited “but declined”.


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You're a shining example of why reasoning with tribalists is a waste of time and effort.

Thank you for proving my points.

I think you miss the point with the problem of tribalism entirely, and are just repeating a buzzword you heard.

Technically, it is Tribalism is if you call out someone for being racist, is it bad to call out racist behavior? tho, it isn't tribalism to point out that two things are fundamentally the same thing, like how Megablocks is just off brand Lego

Okay. Grasp at whatever straws you need.

to quote, yourself

"thank you for proving my point"

I rest my case.

how exactly do you rest something that never existed in the first place?