Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid to World – 213 points –
Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid

Allies of Hungary’s far-right prime minister Viktor Orbán will hold a closed-door meeting with Republicans in Washington to push for an end to US military support for Ukraine, the Guardian has learned.

Members of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs and staff from the Hungarian embassy in Washington will on Monday begin a two-day event hosted by the conservative Heritage Foundation thinktank.

The first day includes panel speeches about the Ukraine war as well as topics such as Transatlantic Culture Wars. It is expected to feature guests including Magor Ernyei, the international director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, the institute that organized CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Hungary. Kelley Currie, a former ambassador under then president Donald Trump, said she was invited “but declined”.


Republicans 🤝🏽 Putin

The brutal reality is that Putin's Russia embodies everything the Trump Republicans dream of for America: a boundlessly corrupt, white supremacist, ethnonationalist fascist state whose oligarchs possess limitless power so long as they obey The President.

They call themselves the "party of Reagan", while they trip over themselves to sell the geopolitical future of Europe down the river to Moscow...

Russians play the long game.

Republicans used to be their main political opponent in the world. Although cold war ended and relations changes, it doesn't mean that behind all those smiles their end strategy has changed.

They probably collected every "pee tape" there is and pushed every corruption dollar there was to push to make republicans their bitch. Because thats what they do.

Although cold war ended

I'm convinced it didn't really end. maybe on paper it did, but we seem to be right back to where we were before.

Who would have ever imagined the US appearing as a pro-Russian country by the Republicans? It truly is jaw dropping.

That's what tribalism gets us.

Republicans don't even need a reason to oppose something if the democrats support it.

And what do you advise?

Everyone should be independent.

Voting for a party should be seen as a bad thing, due to history.

I would go a step farther and say remove the letter next to people's names all the way down to the local election. Want to vote? Well now you need to do enough research to figure out what the people believe in.

What a ridiculous nothing. Removing a piece of information doesn't make anyone more informed.

Source: Information theory


In the US, "independents" are a type of embarrassed Republicans.

If you just mean that electoralism is bad, start with that.

In the US, “independents” are a type of embarrassed Republicans.

The tribalism is strong with you.

OK, before your makeup dries up, let's check on a poll on the topic of support for Ukraine in the US:

It's sad if you think that proves your point.

hmm... there is very little statistical differentiation between "independent" and republican, in political science we call this "they are the same thing".

ever heard of "looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck"? tho not to lump ducks in with republicans.

You're a shining example of why reasoning with tribalists is a waste of time and effort.

Thank you for proving my points.

I think you miss the point with the problem of tribalism entirely, and are just repeating a buzzword you heard.

Technically, it is Tribalism is if you call out someone for being racist, is it bad to call out racist behavior? tho, it isn't tribalism to point out that two things are fundamentally the same thing, like how Megablocks is just off brand Lego

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It's really quite silly how you're wearing the clown makeup and acting like the anyone who points it out are the real clowns

Don't bother engaging with them. They aren't going to change their mind. That's the downside with Lemmy. There are so few users that these obstinate trolls don't get buried. Engaging with them just makes their bad takes and bad faith bs take up more space in a thread.

It's possible they are a real person who's been banned from most other platforms for spreading their bile and have settled here because the low engagement means their troll bait gets picked up, or they are a non US citizen trying to astroturf US political shit.

I would agree with the sentiment but there is value in counteracting the pile on effect of the trolls by adding additional voices of reason.

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Ronald Regan is turning over in his grave so fast that you could power a small city. That is if Republicans cared at all about renewables… which they don’t.

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They all need to register as foreign agents now, right? Right??

God, imagine thinking everyone who disagreed with sending unlimited resources to a war that could be lost is a traitor.

Rationality is lost on us thanks to tribalism.

Well considering about a half dozen Republicans from the previous president's inner circle were convicted of felonies for working on behalf of foreign governments, is it really that outlandish of a claim to make just a few years later?

I remember this one, it's a rerun from the America First movement, right?

well they were literal Nazis back then, so not much changed

Why the closed doors? To quote their own rhetoric, if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear. Oh right, he's probably bringing receipts from their boss, Putin.

Also they have no issue bringing up anything that supports their arguments, and will argue against that with all their might when it is used against them.

But weren't the republicans the ones that loved funding the military complex?

Republicans say a lot when the day is long, but how is funding the MIC compatible with lower taxes?

maybe if you're not the one in power you don't get a taste

That's what confuses me and makes me think any opposition to Ukrainian aid is just posturing for their base.

They'll fall in line when it matters.

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Allies of Hungary’s far-right prime minister Viktor Orbán will hold a closed-door meeting with Republicans in Washington to push for an end to US military support for Ukraine, the Guardian has learned.

It is expected to feature guests including Magor Ernyei, the international director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, the institute that organized CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Hungary.

Seen as Vladimir Putin’s closest ally inside the EU for the past few years, he was photographed smiling and shaking hands with the Russian president two months ago in Beijing.

Heritage’s president, Kevin Roberts, repeatedly praised the Hungarian leader on X: “One thing is clear from visiting Hungary and from being involved in current policy and cultural debates in America: the world needs a movement that fights for Truth, for tradition, for families, and for the average person.”

In recent years Orbán has championed a transatlantic far-right alliance with a hardline stance against immigration and “gender ideology”, staunch Christian nationalism and scorn for those who warn of a slide into authoritarianism.

Dalibor Rohac, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute thinktank in Washington, said: “The Hungarian embassy in DC has been very active lately, trying to repair ties with the Republicans and strengthen them where it’s appropriate.

The original article contains 843 words, the summary contains 208 words. Saved 75%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

New insult my Turkish friend just taught me, Orlando is a watermelon seller!