Texas woman leaves state to have abortion after Texas Supreme Court paused ruling that would have allowed it, her lawyers say

Rapidcreek@reddthat.com to News@lemmy.world – 719 points –
Texas woman leaves state to have abortion after Texas Supreme Court paused ruling that would have allowed it, her lawyers say

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So, like, surely you realize people need homes and jobs and stuff right? You can't just hop on the next bus to freedom town and hope for the best, that's a child's view of emigration.

I've literally done that in the past, when things weren't so good. I guess I hadn't been told adults just stay, whine and rot.

adults just stay, whine and rot.

Actually, we usually kill ourselves. Why do you think America has skyrocketing suicide and overdose rates?

If you literally bought a bus ticket with nothing else to your name and somehow survived, you're basically just a lottery winner. That's not a sound financial strategy!

If you literally bought a bus ticket with nothing else to your name and somehow survived, you're basically just a lottery winner.

Lots of people do this, what’re you talking about? You should honestly try it, it’s freeing.

Lots of people end up homeless or in prison or or shacking up with whoever will take them in or doing the kind of work they never wanted in their life or dead. This is a shithole country, throwing away your life to go to Dreamsville is stupid af and, honestly, I don't even believe you.

If I wanted that kind of freedom I'd just take out my 9mm retirement plan early, rather than my current plan of waiting until I'm too old to work.

See, this is exactly the mindset leaves people trapped. I love how you throw "doing work" in with prison, dead, etc.

I was more thinking of being forced to do degrading, humiliating, disgusting, or unsafe work. Or, y'know, illegal under-the-table shit. Whatever it takes to get by, no matter how hard it is or how unpredictable the hours are or how much the employerr screws you over.

At that point, what was the fuckin point of moving anyway? Out of the frying pan and into the fire 🙄

Sure. I beleive you, it's not like you might have said what you really thought, nobody openly espousing communism has ever been scared of hard work.

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