Businesses can discriminate against their customers? Alright then... to Malicious – 2111 points –

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That's something that I could get behind.


Lol not even remotely

Uh yes. Example: What was all that flak when bakery's denied service to lesbian couples. What is next deny service to whites? Hate is going full circle, hence the hypocrisy. Shit like that is only giving ammunition to the othersides.

We did a case study on this in college. The bakery didn't refuse service to them, they told the couple that they were more than welcome to pick any of the predesigned cakes they had, but the bakery wouldn't make a pride specific cake.

Ok fair enough, thank you. That is not much better in regards to the bakery. It also makes this store all the worse though. Discrimination is never the answer, although many here seem to think it is. Faith in humanity is certainly not restored. Let go of the anger Padawans.

I don't think you know what the word hypocrite means.

Striving for equality and acceptance by promoting hate towards others beliefs. Yes, I'd say that is hypocritical. What word would you use to describe them?

Hate towards beiefs is fine, and I think you'd even agree with that. Would you agree it's bad to believe that a subset groups of people should be removed from the world? I would hope you agree that that is a bad belief and doesn't need to be accepted.

But it's also missing the point. Being gay isn't a belief, it's just the way someone is - just like race, just like gender. It's not a belief like a political stance is.

They're two different things and it's not hypocritical to treat them differently.

Hate the belief not the believer.


This is just code for bigotry. I don't have the mood necessary for politely explaining it so I won't.

Yes, I know the phrase "hate the sin not the sinner" is just code for christian hate. I was riffing off of that to put it back on them along with the theme of the OP.

Yes, I know the phrase "hate the sin not the sinner" is just code for christian hate. I was riffing off of that to put it back on them along with the theme of the OP.