Why is this sub so against jokes and more lighthearted posts?

Presi300@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 1 points –

I don't get it, every post here that isn't about Linux or some serious topic seems to get downvoted to hell.

I like Linux as much as the next guy, but c'mon, not everything here has to be about it or serious topics...


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Hey build you own jokes and more lighthearted posts with this easy table:

  1. People of Lemmy / Women of Lemmy / Men of Lemmy / PoC of Lemmy / Queer of Lemmy / Parent of Lemmy (include your own favorite subgroup of awesome people here like arch users for example)
  2. What's the stupidest thing / What's the wonderful thing / What is an activity / Which insanely popular or successful subject / what is a minor thing / what are some amazing facts / what are some boring facts / what is an unpopular opinion
  3. you secretly hate / you secretly love / you openly hate / you openly love / that totally annoys you / that almost nobody knows / that should be socially acceptable
  4. about your job / about love / about sex / about money / about this one friend / about this history trivia / about your family / about you favorite game / about you favorite hobby / about your favorite holiday
  5. ?


  • Women of Lemmy, what's the stupidest thing you secretly love about sex
  • Parent of Lemmy, which insanely popular or successful subject you secretly hate about your family

Go crazy enjoy the free karma

don’t forget the variations on “whats the best/worst you ever experienced”