Republicans Passing Bill Letting FBI Spy on Americans Enrages MAGA to politics – 376 points –
Republicans passing bill letting FBI spy on Americans enrages MAGA

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No… no no no to this type of rhetoric. If law enforcement wants to spy on an American, they should be required to prove to a judge they have a very good reason and get a warrant for that shit.

Well, okay, but we're gonna create our own set of secret judges so nobody can keep an eye on what we're doing. This is about us being able to watch you, not the other way around. --the intelligence agencies

And we won't actually LOOK at anything, with our eyes, until we need to but we will collect EVERYTHING on EVERYONE...ALL THE TIME. But since we aren't "looking" it's not spying. - also intelligence agencies

And this is why security and privacy practices are so important. It's not important until it is.

I agree, but that changes nothing about why maga is upset, and I'm quite sure concern that their plans for a Republican dictatorship might be further threatened is a big component of why.