The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump to politics – 274 points –
The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

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Why is Donald trump still walking free?

Trump has said that he's being treated differently than any other defendant. He means that he's being treated worse, but he's accidentally right. Trump has been consistently treated with soft kid gloves. Had you or I done 1% of what he did, we'd be awaiting trial from a jail cell.

Trump is being treated differently, alright. He's being given much more leeway than anyone else would be given.

Even a democratic president doing what he's done would be in jail. It's not just because he was president, it's cause he's Republican

Biden failed to purge his republican friends from government thoroughly enough so now we've got traitors making prosecutorial decisions at DOJ