The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump to politics – 274 points –
The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump

A reminder that Trump is likely a Russian asset, he wanted a secret back channel with them, he was fucking around in Ukraine by blackmailing them to investigate Biden and make him look guilty, he practically kissed Putin's ring in Helsinki when he agreed to let them investigate their own crimes and send them a US ambassador.

Just to elaborate on Helsinki, he literally trusted Putin's word over his own intelligence agency (about 2016 election interference from Russia)

I don't think it was an issue of "trust". I think we (those of us living in this reality) all know this, but it is moreso that he was bending to his master's will rather than let a US agency sway his actions. Especially if it is counter to his master's wishes. I am sure he knew that information was correct, but he needed to bury it.

To be fair, Trump trust is based on favors, and the intelligence agencies weren't doing him any.

Btw, it's been over 13 hours since this news broke, and I've literally just come over from Faux's home page. I scrolled through the entire thing, over 160 story-entries* and not a single word about this.

* I'm going with "story-entries" instead of just "stories" because some stories appear multiple times. Like they have three separate entries for the exact same story on Matthew Perry's death: is apparently the top news story of the day over at Faux, plus it's in the Entertainment section, and some other section I don't remember. But I'm not going through their front page looking for duplicates to not-count, so I'm just calling them "story-entries".

“But biden’s son showed his ding dong on the interwebs! Both sides are bad!”

/s is probably needed

Comforting to know everything I was telling people while he was in office about America being sold to foreign governments was spot on though. And he’s the republican front runner…

4 separate criminal indictments, 91 charges, and he’s the republican front runner.

That only works if you're not a Reich wing media obsessed asshat. To them it's: 4 separate Democrat witch hunts and 91 bogus Democrat charges

It's a badge of honor to have voted for that scumbag to them.

He's the r front runner because a lot of the r's are in the same boat with Putin, they can't go against trump or all will be revealed.

1 more...

Trump gave it to the Russians.

mystery solved.

only after he made copies and sold those to the Chinese and Saudis.. he's a businessman..

His boss would not appreciate that, so I doubt that happened.

Also remember that he's a bad businessman. Unless you consider grift to be his business. ... Damn, okay maybe he's good.

not so sure he sold them to the chinese... they probably were lie, "we already know all of that. fuck off, orange man!"

I agree that he probably didn't sell them, but I think it's more likely he just gave them away for free to look cool in front of the other leaders

Cassidy Hutchinson, one of Meadows’ top aides, testified to Congress and wrote in her memoir that she believes Meadows took home an unredacted version of the binder. She said it had been kept in Meadows’ safe and that she saw him leave with it from the White House.

“I am almost positive it went home with Mr. Meadows,” Hutchinson told the January 6 committee in closed-door testimony, according to transcripts released last year.

Why is Donald trump still walking free?

Trump has said that he's being treated differently than any other defendant. He means that he's being treated worse, but he's accidentally right. Trump has been consistently treated with soft kid gloves. Had you or I done 1% of what he did, we'd be awaiting trial from a jail cell.

Trump is being treated differently, alright. He's being given much more leeway than anyone else would be given.

Even a democratic president doing what he's done would be in jail. It's not just because he was president, it's cause he's Republican

Biden failed to purge his republican friends from government thoroughly enough so now we've got traitors making prosecutorial decisions at DOJ

It didn't disappear. Trump knows exactly who he gave it to.

Remember the Russian intelligence operatives that Trump invited into the Oval Office after he was inaugurated? Pepperridge Farms remembers.

So does Jack Smith.

disappeared under Trump

Doesn't sound like much of a mystery to me. He probably hand delivered it to Putin himself.

Not good but sounds spot on for them, they are traitors after all and have more loyalty to Putin than the US.

Note how Meadows keeps repeating that "he did not mishandle classified information". And they did mention in the article that Trump declassified it, intending to "release" it. But it's far more plausible that he declassified it with the express intent to bury it. It's clear that whatever was in that report, Trump and Meadows wanted to make sure nobody in the US ever read it.

Maybe Putin has a copy, but quite frankly I doubt it. If the report is as bad as I think, Trump would prefer that nobody has a copy

If that orange dumbass could collect top secret papers at his Mar-o-Lago property, what's even secure at the White house? President, if that position is to stay, should be the most watched person by secret services, as his close circle should be too. With all these deep state conspiraces, why couldn't the deep state fucking notice key documents being stolen and destroyed by this car salesperson and his allies? It's embarassing and needs a fix.