IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists

speaker_hat@lemmy.onebanned from community to – -15 points –
IDF conducts operation in Hamas-controlled hospital, apprehends 90 terrorists - I24NEWS

Hospital workers confessed to concealing weapons in incubators in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), a space intended for treating premature babies.




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In war, yes, it should be unsurprising that one's own forces are considered more important to protect than enemy forces, or civilians from a hostile nation.

"Enemy civilians." Implying all Palestinians are members of Hamas and thus deserving of death. How humanitarian of you.

The 7000 children killed in Gaza were not anyone's enemy. Because they were children.

I edited my comment to be more clear and concise, but you replied too soon, I had a feeling you'd interpret that phrase in the least charitable way possible.

Civilians from a hostile nation is more accurate, although widespread public support of intifada doesn't mean you're entirely wrong. Despite this, israel is still choosing military targets, unlike their opponent.

How exactly should have I interpreted the phrase "enemy civilians?" What is the charitable interpretation of that phrase?

Civilians from an enemy nation that's at war with yours

Gaza is not an enemy nation. It is not even a nation. This is supposed to be a war between Israel and Hamas. Not Israel and the Palestinian people. You are still saying all those children's deaths were justified.

a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

Sounds like a nation to me.
Hamas is the government of Gaza.
When one's government goes to war, the people who live under it are subjected to the consequences. This is how war works.

That still sounds like you're saying all of those children's deaths were justified.

It's terrible, it's tragic, it's unfortunate, but yes it's justified provided these deaths are collateral damage when attacking valid military targets, as it seems they are.

What is not justifiable is using them as human shields and hiding among them. This is what caused these deaths: Hamas murdering Israeli civilians while hiding behind the children of their own nation.

Why Palestinians don't have more outrage for Hamas than they do for the IDF is beyond me.

Yeah they sure were accused of doing a terrible thing 10 years ago by the incredibly biased against Israel UN, If true I condemn that too.

I see, so you totally believe the IDF's claim that these 90 men were terrorists, but the UN is definitely incredibly biased and because it happened 10 years ago, it doesn't count.


I never said it didn't count, but I would say it's not terribly relevant to the Israel Hamas war that's going on right now, and has not caused comparable deaths even if true. It just seems like an attempt at false equivalency between Hamas and IDF.

While it's good to be skeptical, the IDF is far more credible than their opponents or their detractors. They could still be lying but I'm not going to presume they are without evidence.

Regarding UN bias against Israel:

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There's supposed to be international law that restrains nations when they go to war. Instead, Israel is butchering children by the thousands.

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Ah, I see, you're likely one of those singing that song. :(

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