Beeper vs Apple battle intensifies: Lawmakers demand DOJ investigation - Android Authority to – 235 points –
Beeper vs Apple battle intensifies: Lawmakers demand DOJ investigation

US senators have urged the DOJ to probe Apple's alleged anti-competitive conduct against Beeper.


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So is having unencrypted messages with all non-iOS devices with no real solution in sight. Security is obviously not their concern here, it's vendor lock in.

SMS doesn’t support encryption, nor is Apple preventing you from downloading any number of encrypted chat apps that work cross platform.

If google didn’t release a new chat app every 6 months we might have a more widespread standard in the US already - and yes RCS is coming to the iPhone next year.

Funny how you twist this from defending Apple to blaming Google, the irony is palpable.

Make up your mind.

No one has to use Google's apps either.

I despise SMS, have for years, since I could first run a real messenger on my phone. I've used XMPP on Android since 2010, and it worked with most every XMPP-based messenger system.

There's no reason we're here except end users can't be bothered to use something if it takes any effort. I have a friend (a millenial, who grew up with tech) who bitches about SMS failures and shitty attachments constantly, but refuses to use any other messenger, doesn't want to have to "figure out" how to message someone. 🤦‍♂️ I'm so tired of hearing this excuse. It's laziness, full stop. Do we struggle to figure out how to phone someone, or send an email (which address?)? Plain old childish laziness. For older folks it's a different story, but anyone under 40, yea, no, I'm calling bullshit. And I'm in that well-past-40 group.

I use whatever system I can have in common with people, with some exceptions (no privacy-antagonistic garbage like WhatsApp, FB Messenger, Snapchat, etc, and nothing immature like RCS).

Yeah, it's weird how consumer expectations have shaped up in a way that if there is a solution, it has to come from some gigacorp. Having a third party innovate is so against the reality of US big business that if it isn't Apple doing it, it must be Google, and interoperability itself does not mean an open standard, just interoperability between Apple and Google.

Apple isn't adopting RCS with encryption, and having iMessage as the default messaging app without any way to allow cross platform E2E encryption is a decision they've made.

As far as Google releasing a new chat app is concerned that's on them. But RCS has existed since 2008 and was included as a feature in Android 5.0 Lollipop all the way back in 2014.

Encryption extension on RCS is a non-standard addon to RCS which is not part of the standard. RCS on Android in general is also run through google servers and Jibe, and isn’t exactly an open standard to begin with.

Apple isn’t preventing cross platform encryption at all, every popular messenger (even Signal) is available in the App Store.