As a normal, boring user that does nothing special other than browse the internet and the occasional "casual coding" -- what am I supposed to do with 32GiB of ram? to – 101 points –

Title. Besides setting tmpfs to use 10GiB of it to store downloads.


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Here's a little script I've put in my $PATH, called memsum:

/usr/bin/ps -eo rss,command --sort -rss | egrep $1 | awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; sum +=hr} END {print sum}'

Now you can go: memsum firefox or memsum whatever and see that, actually, apps use a ridiculous amount of memory these days.

I can get Firefox up to 8GB by using things like Office 365.

Browsers often use a lot of unreserved memory marked as free for whoever wants it. This is how you get 16GB browser sessions.

Thanks for this, it's so easy to just run this script when I'm curious.

I got the warning "egrep: warning: egrep is obsolescent; using grep -E" so I just swapped that command to get rid of the message.