Reddit moderator rebellion: AI moderation is part of the solution to – 198 points –
Reddit moderator rebellion: AI moderation is part of the solution

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It's incredible that I was on reddit for 13 years or something, daily, maybe I spent 20'000 hours there. Then I dropped after the API fiasco (I'm a SyncPro user) and never went back, I have no clue what's going on since ~July and I don't care and I don't miss it :)

same here, i just visit it if I need a question answered nowadays

Same boat, don’t even have a Reddit account any longer, and I’ve noticed an uptick in content that is login-only, so even more reason to not even visit the site.

They've blocked my VPN so I can't even look at it anymore.

Same. I have a very low tolerance for companies that don't respect their customers/users. I hated New Reddit but fortunately old Reddit was (and is still) available. But thats a shit experience on mobile. And you can't use RES to make it better.

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