Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? to No Stupid – 458 points –

To clarify here, I don't feel like I'm significantly smarter than most people, but I feel like people have a hard time doing any sort of thinking about stuff. Especially when it comes to verifying "facts."


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I mean if it is a bell curve, even an average person is smarter than half the world. There's a selection bias on social media because those heated and ignorant threads get memed and shared either by people who believe the nonsense or by outrage.

Do you think it is a bell curve?

Most tests of intelligence lands close to a bell curve. With how many different factors that can influence intelligence it seems quite likely (the average of many different distributions each with a peak in the center is likely to look like a bell curve)

More precisely: If you repeatedly draw values from a probability distribution and sum them up, the sum tends towards a Gaussian (central limit theorem).