Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden — and whether they’d come back to politics – -12 points –
Young voters explain why they’re bailing on Biden — and whether they’d come back

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My problems with Biden are not solely related to Israel, we also have him not supporting unions.

All the things you’re saying or things that we’ve been trying for years and they are not working.

When everyone solution away is always do the same thing but just wait, all that says to us is, we’re not listening to you. Keep doing it our way.

Maybe it’s time to shake up the fucking system and let people be uncomfortable for a little bit while we rebuild it.

It’s the same story you hear over and over again in history, people are not willing to listen to those who are being knocked down by the system, until eventually people are done with it, and then things happen. They happen quickly, and they happen violently, and they could all be prevented if y’all would just listen to other people.

You can’t suppress the population forever

Not chocking Biden up as the best pro-Union president but are you dense here, he has actually done quite a lot to reverse the trend & a big supporter. You'd have to ignore the last 50 years to think he is bad for unions.

All I can glean from this is you have a strong distaste for democracy? Its the best system we have and not sure you even have a grasp on how it works or can even promote a viable alternative. The bigger risk is folks that want to burn the system down & can't even articulate what they want let alone discuss how it would be better.

Yes I hate democracy, that’s why I have voted in every local, state, and national election since I turned 18.

It is why I contact my Senators and representatives and the White House.

Did you know their phones are only open from Tuesday to Thursday for, I believe, four hours a day?

Actions over words, friend, and his actions aren’t matching his words.

Run somebody knew we still have time to primary.

If you don’t, you won’t have my opposition, I’m not that stupid. You just won’t have my support.

Yes, I am aware of the awful policy of Travel days of Monday & Friday and dislike it. I could see some Mondays but Friday is annoying. Former speaker Pelosi brought it back and something I've disliked for quite some time. I'm sympathetic to Western states but allowing some limited tolerance of proxy votes easily addresses that.

His actions have been pretty great but hey if you want to bury your head fine, enjoy yourself.

Your participation in elections are great but if you are such a super voter then get more involved in your local party & encourage others. Nothing President Biden has done has ever been in violation of our national party platform & I probably same for many state democratic parties. I'm cool with some aspects of third parties if the Democrat Party structure and/or platform is unpalatable to you.

Nobody is worried about your opposition its just juvenile if its just a no vote on the president. Also, the critique about "systems" seems very horseshoe-y .

Vote how you want lemmy cuz and glad you do so. Have a great one and we can continue this on other subjects.

My problems with Biden are not solely related to Israel, we also have him not supporting unions.

I don't know where you are getting your info but you are totally wrong. Biden is responsible for the resurgence of unions we've been experiencing:

Last Friday, the National Labor Relations Board released its most important ruling in many decades. In a party-line decision in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC, the Board ruled that when a majority of a company’s employees file union affiliation cards, the employer can either voluntarily recognize their union or, if not, ask the Board to run a union recognition election. If, in the run-up to or during that election, the employer commits an unfair labor practice, such as illegally firing pro-union workers (which has become routine in nearly every such election over the past 40 years, as the penalties have been negligible), the Board will order the employer to recognize the union and enter forthwith into bargaining.
The Cemex decision was preceded by another, one day earlier, in which the Board, also along party lines, set out rules for representation elections which required them to be held promptly after the Board had been asked to conduct them, curtailing employers’ ability to delay them, often indefinitely.
Taken together, this one-two punch effectively makes union organizing possible again, after decades in which unpunished employer illegality was the most decisive factor in reducing the nation’s rate of private-sector unionization from roughly 35 percent to the bare 6 percent at which it stands today.

This is thanks to Biden's appointments to the NLRB. He's done more to support unions than any president in my lifetime.

So why did he turn his back on the railroad workers?

According to the IBEW, he didn't:

“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.
“We know that many of our members weren’t happy with our original agreement,” Russo said, “but through it all, we had faith that our friends in the White House and Congress would keep up the pressure on our railroad employers to get us the sick day benefits we deserve. Until we negotiated these new individual agreements with these carriers, an IBEW member who called out sick was not compensated.”
While President Joe Biden was calling on Congress in November to pass legislation to implement the agreement, he stressed that he would continue to encourage the railroads to guarantee paid sick time for their employees.
“I share workers’ concern about the inability to take leave to recover from illness or care for a sick family member,” Biden said. “I have pressed legislation and proposals to advance the cause of paid leave in my two years in office and will continue to do so.”\_IBEWandPaid

Biden himself explained why he signed the bill:

"It was tough for me but it was the right thing to do at the moment -- save jobs, to protect millions of working families from harm and disruption and to keep supply chains stable around the holidays," Biden said, adding the deal avoided "an economic catastrophe."
Eight of 12 unions had ratified the deal. But some labor leaders have criticized Biden, a self-described friend of labor, for asking Congress to impose a contract that workers in four unions have rejected over its lack of paid sick leave.
"That fight isn't over," Biden said of the push for sick leave.

I imagine if the economy tanked under his watch he would have been blamed for that as well.