Jealous ? to Lefty – 534 points –

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One shooting in a country is not proof that the right to bear arms is a public danger. As one might note from the equally isolated incidents in the countries without the right.

288 school shootings in a country that is hardly alone in that right is instead proof of a cultural disease.

A cultural disease that would be inhibited by strong gun restrictions

It raises an interesting point: if the US cracked down super hard on guns but didn't address the underlying social problems, would people just turn to a different type of violence? Whst would that be? Would you suddenly get all of the would-be shooters committing acid attacks instead?

Before or after the civil war you'd get for trying to disarm a population with more guns than people?

In any event, if you assume it happened magically you'd probably just get mass stabbings that are, at least, easier to stop and have lower body counts.

God, just imagine if all the gun fetishists became knife fetishists overnight, they're already creepy enough.

One argument I've seen against gun restrictions is that you'd be more reliant on the police force which is largely a corrupt gang of stupid bullies with both guns and the impunity to commit murder. I'm for enacting stronger restrictions but this point is difficult for me to refute.