Beeper ready to wave white flag if its latest iMessage fix gets shut down

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 138 points –
Beeper ready to wave white flag if its latest iMessage fix gets shut down

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I mostly blame Apple for walling off the default text messaging app on the iOS platform. It is ridiculous to me that we are over 10 years into the smartphone era and are stuck in a duopoly with two players that would rather degrade communications between platforms than prioritize interoperability for some base level functionality. I hope that Beeper's campaign forces regulation that puts an end to the insanity.

Why not go whinge to Google to develop a messaging system that Apple users want to integrate with..

They did. RCS. And it sounds like Apple will be adopting it due to regulatory pressure. But the idea of "Apple users will want to integrate with" has a flaw. A lot of their userbase happily drinks the Kool-aid and want their walled garden, even if it's not in their best interest.

Maybe there is no kool-aid and it is just better, hence why these apps exist. As you said, RCS is coming yet people still aren’t happy. It sounds like Google can’t make a decent messaging app and is mobilising it’s user base to force the issue instead of innovating

Apple definitely came out with the better messaging product first. But RCS has nearly all the same features as iMessage.

Maybe it's not drinking the kool-aid, Apple does make a good product. But since integrating RCS has no negative impact to them, and allows them to use those features with more people, why wouldn't they want it?

Maybe, generally speaking on the userbase. I'm personally not interested in promoting Android or Google. I begrudgingly use it, but I'm not a fan. I am interested in interoperability, which this gives us.

Edit: Redundant