Biden pardons thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

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Biden pardons thousands convicted of marijuana charges on federal lands and in Washington

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There the Democrats go again not doing anything!

The demographic is changed on Lemmy. You need /s now.

Not everyone accepts half measures as complete solutions.

Not everyone who appreciates progress is accepting anything as a complete solution. I fit your criteria. You don't fit mine. My opinion is you have a detrimental attitude and equivocating any minor win to total loss diminishes the value of a win and kills morale and momentum for more wins.

Inertia. Winning begets winning and losing begets losing.

equivocating any minor win to total loss diminishes the value of a win

Treating minor steps as major wins leads me to consider minor wins as token gestures designed to placate with as little change as possible. Followup will only follow if continued pressure is applied.

If enough people are satisfied, the party has no reason to continue trying.

Per my other comment, I never called it a total win. But fwiw, if I'm going to defend the win here, not just my disappointment with sentiment in general on here.. this isn't minor. I'd call it major. Do you have any idea how many lives have been ruined by policies that are being rolled back? While you're intellectualizing the other victims of the states whose rights continue to be infringed upon, have you considered the experience of a single person that will get out? Or their families?

Have you had first hand experience with the legal system? For weed? Have you been locked up? Have you spent a day without the right to decide when you want a glass of water or breath of fresh air.

These are people. Not statistics. Not liberal arts theses.

You're not seeing the forest for the trees.

And my editorial and feelings about that, and this forum: that is cold and uncaring. This post was about human beings being liberated from unfair persecution. People instead are choosing to use it as a soapbox to regurgitate to the choir that there are also other problems. No shit Sherlock. That's why we're all on here, a common set of those beliefs. That has nothing to do with whether we celebrate the freedom of our incarcerated brothers and sisters. So yeah, this place is starting to suck. And if you can't see where I'm coming from and acknowledge it without being defensive or doubling down and shouting through me, you're part of the problem and never going to see it.

I’d call it major

That's no surprise.

Do you have any idea how many lives have been ruined by policies that are being rolled back?

No policy is being rolled back here. All this does is pardon a fraction of existing simple possession convictions. The policies are still in place and are still enforceable. New convictions will happen.

Have you had first hand experience with the legal system? For weed? Have you been locked up? Have you spent a day without the right to decide when you want a glass of water or breath of fresh air.

Not for weed, but yes.

These are people. Not statistics. Not liberal arts theses.

And as long as the racist war on drugs carries on, there will be more casualties, each one an unconscionable tragedy. I want that to stop forever, everywhere. I know that letting up pressure will delay that, at best, and that every delay is more casualties. More lives ruined, more families destroyed, more communities disrupted.

The batter bunted and is strolling triumphantly towards first, waving his cap at the crowd. Run, damn you.

Why did they wait until an upcoming election to do it?