The RAM sticks I just bought off eBay to Mildly – 411 points –

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DDR3 is a lot cheaper on Amazon.

The cost is having to support amazon though.

Yeah, it's not like making your life harder is going to kill Amazon, though. My lesbian co-worker and lesbian sister eat chik-fil-a sometimes for the same reason.

Amazon I can get why it's kinda unavoidable, but Chick-fil-A I can't. Are there no other restaurants in the area?

That's just you being weak and not sticking to your beliefs, I'd hate to be that pathetic.

There are innumerable ways to have stated this without coming off like an absolute cunt and maybe changed somebody’s mind.

Perhaps next time before you post ask yourself: am I trying to convince this person or trying to make myself feel better?

Idk, everything they do proves they are the enemy. Don't even pretend otherwise. Edit: you know the centralist criticism. That's it right there.

silicon power has had very good prices at azn for 8gb ddr3 dimms for awhile now. cheaper than what i've found anywhere else, even for used stuff or ebay when i've checked there. have several desktops here maxed-out on ram (16 or 32gb) from those.