Beeper ready to wave white flag if its latest iMessage fix gets shut down

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 138 points –
Beeper ready to wave white flag if its latest iMessage fix gets shut down

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It's almost like when companies try to build a wall, some people will try to break in, even for the sake of it, maybe the thrill of it, even if it worked for a minute.

Whatever their intentions, I'm glad they did. Apple got to strengthen their infrastructure (somewhat, users are still using it with access to a Mac), and it brought messaging interoperability conversation to congress.

People seem to forget Apple founders were doing this shit too. They build a blue box and sold it too.

That's why nobody thinks the 16 year old who found the method is in the wrong here. It's really cool they found that, especially at that age. Now to build an entire product off of an exploit while loudly announcing it is just stupid.