Trump’s Long Fascination With Genes and Bloodlines Gets New Scrutiny to politics – 243 points –
Trump’s Long Fascination With Genes and Bloodlines Gets New Scrutiny

As with the speech in 2020, Mr. Trump’s remarks have been criticized by historians, Jewish groups and liberals, who said his language recalled the ideology of eugenics promulgated by Nazis in Germany and white supremacists in America.


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Isn't he married to an illegal immigrant?

She's white. So was Trump's Scottish mother. That's always excusable to Trump.

I think most of Scotland these days would tell her to fuck off, were she still alive to boast of her heritage.

She was a hideous racist, and for the most part Scotland these days takes great pride in being inclusive and open to all (except Nazis etc)

Oh no doubt. Fred "KKK" Trump wouldn't have married anyone who wasn't a virulent racist. But she was still an immigrant. She was just the "right" kind of immigrant. And white makes right or something like that.