Sorry California, Amazon Will No Longer Sell You Donkey Meat

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Sorry California, Amazon Will No Longer Sell You Donkey Meat

Technically donkey skin. Used in health supplements. And I just don't know anymore...


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This isn't a product I am looking for but why is this an issue when other animal based products are being sold? Cow products fine but donkey products aren't?

I see there is a specific horse related law but why.

I'm more concerned about this being touted as a health product, especial an "herbal" one. Because there's no evidence that it improves health and donkey skin isn't an herb.

But really I just posted it because I thought it was an interesting story.

Yeah, I just glazed over that part, there are so many "health" products that are complete bunk on Amazon.

Speciesists gonna discriminate arbitrarily, that's kinda the whole deal with speciesism 🤷

This 2007 document seems to do a pretty good job at going over the motivations when the law was made. It's a bit longer to read than I have time for right now, but it seems like it's worth the time judging by the intro and background