Fallout 3: GOTY Edition is free to keep for the next 24 hours on the Epic Games Store

simple@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 116 points –

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Free to keep 😁 on the Epic Games Store 😔

Get it there, download and play a pirate version instead. Since you legally own the game anyway, you're not infringing anything (i think)

Or just pirate it, and dont put the epic store launcher on your computer for no reason

You should be able to get it on your account webpage without downloading anything

I don't care about infringing shit anyway, copyright isn't real. I live a pirate's life

Yar Har fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright for me!

Do what you want 'cuz a pirate is free!

You are a pirate!

Yah, just give your data to epic for no reason and pirate anyway. Genius plan.