Plummeting interest rate

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 790 points –

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Dating apps are not optimised to help u find a partner, they're made to keep u on the app

I met my fiancée at a training thing for work. Everyone canceled except her her, me, and the teacher, so we had a lot of time to talk lol. We are getting married in a year and a half.

Congratulations I am glad it worked out well for you two /pos

I know some people have luck with them, that's invevitable. I was just saying they aren't great for most people and more so often are really bad for men's self-esteem. Some great statistic videos go into depth with the dating pool ratios etc. to explain this.

And games are made to keep you playing, not find partners.

Regardless, this was just a booty call, my experience is that they're great for that.