What are your homelab stats?

DeltaTangoLima@reddrefuge.com to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 81 points –

I just spent a good chunk of today migrating some services onto new docker containers in Proxmox LXCs.

As I was updating my network diagram, I was struck by just how many services, hosts, and LXCs I'm running, so counted everything up.

  • 116 docker containers
    • Running on 25 docker hosts
    • 50 are the same on each docker host - Watchtower and Portainer agent
  • 38 Proxmox LXCs (19 are docker hosts)
  • 8 physical servers
  • 7 VLANs
  • 5 SSIDs
  • 2 NASes

So, it got me wondering about the size of other people's homelabs. What are your stats?


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  • 33 nomad jobs, most being containers
  • 12 physical nomad clients
    • 3 amd64 poweredge
    • 2 pi4
    • 6 Nano Pi r5c
    • 1 odroid M1
  • Ceph: (nomad orchestrated)
    • 8 OSD
    • 50TB total raw disk

Ah - I've been meaning to look into Nomad. I have plenty of admiration for Hashicorp's products. How are you finding it?

At my day job, we took a look at nomad and now we are planning to run everything in nomad. It's just so simple to understand and a joy to use.

I believe they changed some of their licensing from the fallout of their IPO. Just worth noting for the selfhosting crowd. I know terraform is being forked entirely, but I'm unfamiliar with the specifics beyond that.

My day job is a lot of kube/openshift so nomad is refreshing. Having the template blocks are amazing and makes it so that much of what helm gave me is not required. Parameterized jobs are the best once you find a good use case for them!