1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Make. An. Affordable. Car.

Why does every new ev for the US have to be mega deluxe luxury SUV? No one in the US is buying your affordable EV because you only sell them in Europe!

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But flight data is available - this guy just labels her N number and filters the data in a creepy way. I get that it's probably causing her danger to have stalkers waiting at the destination for her - but those stalkers always had access to this flight data.

Seems like a workaround for Taylor would be to not own a plane and charter a different one every time. (Or do something actually environmentally minded :/)

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Ok but we can see it says Furry Fandom as the page you are on, there is no way we just like, ignore that - right?

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A complicating factor: I would say ~50% of the houses are rented and only the homeowners have a say in HOA matters. So, assuming any owners without dogs (including the whole board) and any landlord would logically vote to ban all use of the grass, while all dog-owning homeowners would vote to allow dogs near the grass.

Obviously that's generalizing what the votes would be - even though the majority of the houses have dogs, I would say the minority are homeowners with dogs.

The reason I bring this up is a petition-style response may be dismissed as "well those dog owners have no say as they are not homeowners"

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And just 9 years after the idea was on adult swim.

There is a "apps mode" on Google Chromecast with Google tv - that takes out all the recommendations and stuff and just shows you the apps, fwiw.

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I'm glad they are doing this but in all likelihood most people who use terraform are not offering terraform to third parties on a hosted or embedded basis which is competitive with HashiCorp's products and can continue to make production use of it.

But like I said, I am glad it's happening - as an insurance policy.

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Oh wow I read a functional ban on dogs as extreme rather than agreeable - that's interesting.

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I actually don't know if a landlord has to do anything to keep a renter happy these days? Or if there is enough demand that they would not care? Not sure, perhaps I am approaching that question pessimistically.

news sticker

does Lemmy have a r/boneappletea replacement?

In an additional effort to refocus this thread to ground cover, has anyone here in the northeast US gone with a clover ground cover, rather than grass?

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I was just thinking about it actually - I feel like it's going to be the sheer amount of caffeine we ingest, or caffeine at all.

which reminds me, I need a coffee!

I run with gitea, it's nice, doesn't do much when it's not working.

Gitea added their own CI tooling that is configured like GitHub actions as well - I haven't tried it yet though.

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Interesting perspective. Other than being mad that dogs exist and inconsistent grass color I can't imagine other slights dog owners are applying to the neighborhood. Maybe barking? But that has never really been a issue here, to my knowledge.

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Wave soldering machine - they basically suspend the whole board above a vat of solder, it bonds anywhere it can. So if they don't need that chip on this model, it's getting solder anyway.

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As a IBM developer - ouch man, that hurts. I guess I'll just go back my job doing... nothing (actually sounds like a sweet job)

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Ok that's pretty cool (good bot)

Did this for 3 years with a daily commute to a different state - ~13h of charging a day on 120v was far more than enough. Obviously I'm lucky enough to have a outdoor plug available to the car area but if you do it's completely doable.

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The HOA is taking the 'our responsibility is to keep a consistent curb-appeal' stance so I think seemingly random houses not having grass at all may not be acceptable - though maybe that's appropriate for the strip between the sidewalk and road.

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Are you running them from your user session? If so, when you log out it will stop your processes, unless you have enabled 'linger' mode.

  • 33 nomad jobs, most being containers
  • 12 physical nomad clients
    • 3 amd64 poweredge
    • 2 pi4
    • 6 Nano Pi r5c
    • 1 odroid M1
  • Ceph: (nomad orchestrated)
    • 8 OSD
    • 50TB total raw disk
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proficient at some point in the last 20 years:

  • C
  • ladder logic (for PLCs - dont take this from me)
  • Verilog
  • VHDL
  • C#
  • C++
  • PHP
  • Go (this is my daily driver)

I would hate to count JavaScript and friends.

Reminds me of when UVA was testing whole dorm buildings sewage outlet for COVID and would lock the whole thing down if it were positive.

To be clear, I would love to have this in my home, just to know.

such a good game. I can't wait to play the remake with my daughter this winter. I'd play the OG with her but her tolerance of 1990s graphics is... limited

Nomad is a breath of fresh air after working with k8s professionally.

Don't get me wrong, love k8s, but it's a bit much (until you need it)

How excellent for my MQTT behind nginx next to my pihole


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Paved alley, then other garages

something like this seems doable in theory but without describing the community let's just say there is no spot to put this or any other 'dedicated dog spot', other than existing house's lawns or the one 40'x40' area which is the community green - and that totally is not going to happen.

K8s has a mild solution to chicken and egg situations for nodes - the nodes support 'static manifests' which can be pods they know how to bring up before ever connecting to the API server. So you could have your wireguard peer be brought up this way. Downside is while those static manifests show up in k8s APIs, they aren't fully manageable since they are defined by files on disk.

Ceph (rbd,s3) on 4 poweredges.

Nomad, Consul servers running in a 3 node raft on some ARM SBCs.

Nomad clients on 2 poweredges and 3 arm SBCs running:

  • s3 CSI (media and large file storage is all on s3)
  • rbd CSI (all the stateful jobs have rbd block devices)
  • NATS cluster with Jetstream to enable MQTT support
  • mosquito mqtt (had to run mosquito for mqtt v5)
  • mosquito<->nats bridge (via benthos)
  • nodered (just for easy Google home integration)
  • zwavejs2mqtt
  • zigbee2mqtt
  • frigate (can only talk mqtt v5 so had to run mosquito just for this)
  • grafana
  • gotify
  • gitea
  • drone CI
  • postgresql
  • BitTorrent client
  • ceph rgw s3 gateways
  • NATS based home automation lambdas - I wrote these in go
  • Adguard home
  • traefik as main ingress
  • Prometheus
  • prom node exporter
  • jellyfin
  • jackett
  • a program I wrote that manages torznab->acquisiton->s3 lifecycle
  • a website
  • wireguard servers

And that is just in the server room - I also have more like the 3d printer and CNC machine controllers etc.

American Pie by Don McLean

I would listen to it on repeat for what seems like an entire era of my life. Could sing the whole thing at some point!

We don't have issues with unleashed dogs, or even with people not cleaning up dog crap, it's just too much dog pee causes dead grass.

So it's not directed at members for the states of their lawns (they are maintained by a common landscape company) it's directed at people who have dogs who urinate - which is all of them.

It seems like all the retired people in the neighborhood have a excellent reason to be on the board but with a full time job and a kid I just don't have the time to put towards good faith governance of the neighborhood. Maybe that's the idea though - to get on the board and reduce their scope to paying the lawn care guys and collecting dues to pay the lawn care guys.

Most of the freak out I have seen I interpret as: "license says we can't use it while competing with you but that has no real definition"

To me, it seems like an acceptable license, especially since development is happening on GitHub and they take PRs. Also the feature in the license where it reverts back to MPL after 4y is a nice security against the company doing anything else crazy restrictive - as you can plan on falling back to that version as a nuclear option.

Buildah lacks any sort of caching

... what? assuming you are using a Containerfile.... what? It's.... the same as docker on layer caching. The --cache-to and --cache-from flags are particularly sweet.

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I use k8s at work a lot - I choose to use Nomad at home, you may want to add that to your shortlist.

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You could write a script that just restarts your container, make sure unprivileged users cannot edit it, and do one of two things:

  1. make a sudoers entry for your unprivileged account to call just that script as a user in the docker group with sudo
  2. use setuid on the script to have it execute from the docker group even when executed by users

A year or two ago (whenever docker changed the business license of docker for Mac) I changed to podman and aliased docker=podman. It behaves the same, you would just about never know rootful podman vs docker.

Rootless podman is super cool and a much better security ideal - but comparing more apples to apples would be podman running as root vs docker.

Can confirm, will destroy the rubber/plastic bits in your toilet.

That being said, I still use them all the time and replace the toilet innerds after a few years. I just would rather clean the toilet every few months and replace toilet parts every few years than clean the toilet all the damn time and have old working toilet parts :shrug:

I am nearly complete migrating my ceph cluster and nomad compute cluster to arm :shrug: