What's your email client of choice?

Kindly Remember@lemmy.world to Android@lemmy.world – 154 points –

I have been using Outlook for the longest time and have tried FairEmail a couple of times and simply deleted it. Tried sticking through it for about a month and I'll be sticking with it for a good long time now :)


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Gmail because I'm super boring and it works.

Except that now I have to use Outlook too cause Uni moved from Google to Outlook blobcat, cry

I REALLY liked the Inbox app they made for gmail. Sadly, like all the best things google makes, it went the way of the dinosaurs.

That was the only brief moment in time where I had actually cleared out my inbox. Now it's just a nightmare.

You can add an outlook account to the gmail app. You may have to add it as Microsoft exchange instead of a regular Outlook account though, but the process is the same.

I suggest you use Outlook Lite instead of the normal Outlook. It's a lot lighter and will not prompt you to add any MDM profiles if your institution set any up

Also Gmail, because the spam filtering is great.

I keep a copy in Thunderbird though, just in case my account 'goes away' somehow.

Same! I do have k9 and Thunderbird but Gmail is just so convenient with filters and labels too!