Outdoor plants are a different breed

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.website to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 789 points –

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I thought it was just survivorship bias.

You mostly see the strongest outdoor plants thriving in their optimal conditions. Indoor plants are whatever rainforest wonder you tried to grow indoors, under watered and next to your AC.

The post is about them being in suboptimal locations outdoors though.

Not to take the post too seriously… but the idea of survivorship bias still applies. We don’t see how many plants died, or simply never started to grow because of that sidewalk. We only see hulk-doge.

Not really. Of course there is always little ones that won’t make it, but why does a plant neglected outside become a chad while a plant babied and nourished inside won’t.

Every plant outside isn't a Chad. It's just the chads that you get to see because those are they only ones that survive. If you were intentionally trying to grow that Chad inside, it would be a Chad inside as well.