My English Breakfast tea states it contains 2g of protein. to Ask – 54 points –

How/Why? Is that an oblique nod to insect protein, how does tea contain protein? 🤢 + 3 CALORIES?!

Edit: there's no milk or anything milk-related


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So not bugs right?

Hate to break it to you, but all food can have a certain amount of bugs, poop, hair, etc per the FDA

Well, can have. Not must have.

On that same pedantic note: they're not minimums, they're testable limits. Testable. As in, not every batch is, nor every thousand...

Also, somebody here's gonna love finding out how much of their own body mass is bacteria, parasites, and just plain dead. Not to mention that everything pasteurized still has the corpses of the "cleaned" microbes floating in it.

Life is gross. Get over it.

All food in the USA. The FDA has no jurisdiction anywhere else.

If you think food magically doesnt have any contamination with bugs etc. elsewhere I have some ocean front property in Wyoming to sell you.

Did you know that people who develop an allergy to cockroaches find they also react to preground coffee.

Also, poop is in the air around you whenever you're in an enclosed space, per the Mythbusters

Most food contains bugs. Its unlikely that it would be a large enough quantity to change the nutrition labels.

I used to work with health inspectors, when talking about my work I would describe what they do as “ You know the guys who go into restaurants and say ‘I’m shutting you down there’re too many cockroaches in the soup’”

About 1 person in 10 notices I said too many cockroaches.

Restaurants are allowed to have a certain amount of bug parts in soup.

Corporate has clarified that they use the ingredient Not Bugs^TM^

"It's definitely Not Bugs^TM^!"*

::: spoiler spoiler *Not Bugs ^TM^ or may not contain no less than 12% bugs :::