Car Headlights - Why not red? to No Stupid – 27 points –

So, just finished reading an article on WaPo about fireflies/lightening bugs and got me thinking further... Car headlights suck. They mess up our night vision when we pass another dickhead running white/blue lights. We mess up the habit(at) of many animals/bugs. So why not red lights? My hiking/camping headlamp has a red light option, which is the only function I use, and I can see fine. Why the FUCK do we still have these ungodly bright white/blue lights?


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As a colorblind person red light still works for me

How early did you sign up to get this username. Awesome

Usernames are only unique per instance. So it's easy to get any name you like on smaller instances.

Aha thanks, of course. Still learning over here lol

Yeah. I was so stoked when I got this name before I learned how it all worked

Hmmm for some reason it says my username is Lemmy on some instances I'll have to fix that