Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

Lee to – 1009 points –
Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads

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As someone who has struggled with addiction to lust and pornography from a very young age, I'm disappointed by some of the reactions I'm seeing here.

These laws have nothing to do with mental health and social responsibility, and everything to do with weaponizing sexuality as a means to control a population.

If, instead of demonizing and hiding porn from the light of day, we promoted healthier approaches and open ideas you'd probably have better access to dealing with your addictions.

Pornhub isn't the cause of your problems, it's just a convenient scape goat to blame for the result of puritanical bullying.

13 downvotes, zero replies. Interesting.

I do not care. I've seen and felt personally the effects of Pornography, and I will never back down against it.

To be clear, I do not believe the government should be allowed to censor media, or that the whatever American political party is behind a law.

All I know is that as long as children have access to pornography, I will fight to my dying breath against it.

Why? Simple. I do not want another human being to experience what I have.

So, downvote me all you like.

I wish everyone a pleasant day.

When someone has peanut allergy it's not a reason to ban peanuts.