Apparently Google Chrome is a necessity for the phone OS too properly work to – 96 points –

RedMi Note 11. Just received it for Christmas and boy was I crying the first time I booted it. 1 Gb of bloatware must most importantly: impossible to uninstall chrome.

That is ok if any other browser can co-exist beside it... Boy was I wrong again. Some links from apps don't even care about my default browser, they just open chrome cause hell yeah.

This is sickening me, Google is beginning to really disgust me. Someday I'll root this mf to get rid of ALL the bloatware


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You can uninstall even system apps via ADB

Only disable iirc - but it has the same effect 😊

I thought ADB did remove the apps? You should be able to disable from within the OS, although I wouldn't be surprised if this function was blocked.

You can disable, or uninstall from user space, which is not the same as removing it entirely

Yeah exactly. It's still effectively uninstalling the app though and should free up space. But it'll still come back if you create another user.

I haven't done it in a while. You can onstall the app via another adb command again. It's another disabling than from within the OS

Me neither lol I just start with a ROM that doesn't have it to begin with. Hell, my phone has never even had Android System Webview - it came with Mulch instead.

You can uninstall the app for the user, which achieves 99% of the same effect.

For my case though, on an older Samsung phone running Android 11, I was able to just use the uninstall command (not just for the user) for most bloat apps. Only a couple or so apps refused to be uninstalled entirely. It may not still be valid but it is possible.

Android Debug Bridge.

It's used automatically when programming android apps on your PC (it'll send the development app to the phone and tell the phone to run it), but you can also use it to run commands on the phone that it normally wouldn't allow, and can sometimes unbrick a dead phone.

It can't fix everything, but it gives you a lot more control over the phone than you'd get otherwise.